In Repair

Healing from emotional abuse

Birthdays, and other Animals

It’s my birthday tomorrow. I’m going out for a nice meal with hubby and his mum tonight, which I’m really looking forward to. Then off for a cocktail evening with BFF and daughter at Stepdad’s on the day itself. I’m well and happy, if not a little warm – I’m finding the heat really oppressive and demotivating. It’s rainy but muggy today and I’m just hot. No walk today.

As for the ‘other animals’, I can’t deny that I have some anxiety about whether mum will be in touch tomorrow, or have sent a card, or something. It’s not that she’ll send it – I would recognise her handwriting and just not open it – but that it might sneak in if she uses a third party like Funky Pigeon or something. I suppose the same thing applies – as soon as I know it’s from her I can ignore it. It’s my birthday, I shouldn’t be worrying about whether my boundaries will be respected.

Other than that, things are pretty good. I’ve had some nasty tendonitis in my elbow which is taking a few weeks to get over, but I have a support which is helping for things like driving.

Time for a long soak in the bath. Just wanted to check in. I’m good.

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