Daily Blog
I’m feeling fed up. Admittedly I’ve had a busy, strenuous 4 days (Thurs: 7 hour drive from Canterbury to daughter’s who had a minor medical emergency – she’s fine now – then to mine to cook for my best friend on the eve of her birthday; Fri: All day spent with stepdad doing the final… Read more
Mum’s birthday came and went with some upset, but not much. I felt guilty, but I was with my sister and we had a good talk about it, about whose voice that is in my head telling me I should have acknowledged it – my own conscience or my mother’s critical influence – as well… Read more
Not a heavy post today. I’m away in Cardiff visiting friends, and having a very relaxing time of it! Arrived yesterday to be greeted with a warm hug and a glass of fizz, which is just what the doctor ordered! Slept badly, but that was my fault for having too much of the aforementioned fizz… Read more
There have been times in my life where I have not done a lot. Arguably I still don’t some of the time. Some of it is due to being unable to work because of pain levels, and the effects of the medication I have to take to manage it. Some of it is down to… Read more
I have good days and bad days, like everyone does. Yesterday was a good day – a great day – that I’d been looking forward to all week. Went to visit some friends I’d not seen for a few months, took a look at the Selfie exhibit at the National Museum of Wales (oh my… Read more