In Repair

Healing from emotional abuse


  • A Catch Up

    So after FIFTEEN emails, the Ourtime issue has finally been resolved after the final email from me pointed them to their own privacy policy and detailed how they’re breaking it, so finger’s crossed. I had a lovely weekend break with my Cardiff friends – lots of resting and relaxing (and drinking!). We made curry together,… Read more

  • I’ve been thinking a lot about why I’m so conflicted and dissatisfied with how my life is going at the moment. I’m not putting in much effort into self-improvement, and I feel like I’m coasting; existing, not living. I’d like that to change. I’d like to be a person I’m proud of, doing things that… Read more

  • The Red Dress

    How a dress from 20 years ago triggered an epiphany Last night in therapy we talked about the differences between a relationship and enmeshment. How a relationship recognises the other person as their own entity – their achievements and failures, highs and lows, are all their own – whereas with enmeshment they are an extension… Read more

  • On Being Busy

    There have been times in my life where I have not done a lot. Arguably I still don’t some of the time. Some of it is due to being unable to work because of pain levels, and the effects of the medication I have to take to manage it. Some of it is down to… Read more

  • On Conflict

    I hate conflict, I have for as long as I can remember. The earliest clear memory I have of it is when I was 8 or so, and I met a couple of the neighbour’s kids (who I didn’t know) at the back of our garden. When I inquired as to why the two of… Read more

  • Chronic Pain

    It’s a bitch. Today is a particularly bad day, I’m using a stick to navigate the house, and I’m feeling pretty sorry for myself. I have nerve damage in both legs from a nicked sciatic nerve during surgery in 2010 (ruptured ectopic pregnancy, but that’s a whole other post). The facet joints in my back… Read more