In Repair

Healing from emotional abuse


I’m feeling fed up.

Admittedly I’ve had a busy, strenuous 4 days (Thurs: 7 hour drive from Canterbury to daughter’s who had a minor medical emergency – she’s fine now – then to mine to cook for my best friend on the eve of her birthday;
Fri: All day spent with stepdad doing the final push of moving him out of the flat after an urgent request for help, boxing and packing, cleaning, and loading/unloading the car – with stairs at both ends – and I didn’t get in til half ten (it’s an hour and a half drive each way) and I’d only had 6 hours sleep between these 2 days;
Sat: Kind of rest day (definitely bath day!) but was busy in the afternoon and evening visiting friends I’d not seen because I’ve been away for a week;
Sun: All day spend in stepdad’s flat with friend and daughter (and not stepdad til 5, he was teaching all weekend) cleaning, and didn’t get in til half nine; which brings us to…
Today, where on my ‘rest day’ I have gone shopping, picked up partner’s prescription, done all the washing up, put up a bath corner unit, helped partner scrape and sand the outside windowsills and door frames ready for painting tomorrow, and I’m on cooking duty tonight.

Incidentally, I also worked out earlier I’ve driven a little over 800 miles over the last ten days.)

And I feel utterly invisible. Fed up. Under-appreciated in all areas of my life. I’m so upset I’m close to tears and I know it’s a childish part of me, and I know that I’m tired, and I know that I’ve done too much physically and emotionally these last few days, and I know that this sounds very whiny and like I’m behaving like a perpetual victim (a hangover from my mother, and a habit I’m trying desperately to shake which is why I’m reluctant to bring how I’m feeling up with people), and most importantly I know it will pass, but right now I’ve had enough.

And there’s still dinner to cook (and I’ll probably have to wash it all up afterwards), which I’d better get started on.

I don’t know how I ever coped without somewhere to vent this stuff.

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